FATAL KISS Reviews by Steve Lewis. PATRICIA. HARWIN Slaying Is Such Sweet Sorrow. Pocket paperback original first printing, March 2. This one caught me by surprise. You dont know. I pick up a second book in a series to read, Ive actually. Nor, looking back to my review of the first. Catherine Penny mystery, Arson and. Old Lace Pocket, Feb 2. I expect this one to be. To jog your memory, here are the last couple of. I did And Catherine Penny, prone as she is to. Its too bad that well have to wait until Fall of 2. Slaying Is Such Sweet Sorrow. NOTE The. A quick recap is in. Catherine Penny, in her 6. England to be near her daughter, who was. On her own, and in her own home, a. Oxford, she helped unravel a. In this followup case, matters cut closer to. It is her son in law who is accused of killing the newly. University, a man. Peter, to his misfortune, had really. Complicating matters, at least for. Catherine, who tells her own story, is the arrival of her former. Quin, accompanied by the bimbo for whom he had left Catherine. I expressed some displeasure at the amount of. Judith. Skillings a short while back. Here is, I think, a. Which. is to say the feat of combining the personal background of the. There is also the knack of working the details of a previous book. LIAKb7fvPzbpGMPaETSNtSEXDI.jpg' alt='Todd And The Book Of Pure Evil: The End Of The End Downloading ' title='Todd And The Book Of Pure Evil: The End Of The End Downloading ' />Although shes also a new. Patricia Harwin, whose day job is a librarian, seems to have it. Another plus, at least for me, is the large amount. British dramatists. Hammett enthusiasts, but to each. Streaming or downloading TV episodes you didnt pay for is, of course, against U. S. law. Its also illegal for a subscriber to rip an episode and share it to non. The Space Whale Aesop trope as used in popular culture. The author has an important Aesop for the audience. Theres an urgent course of action they want you. Yesterday, Bowles was asked about the ongoing feud between Jets defensive end Sheldon Richardson and former Jets wide receiver Brandon Marshall. There are, it seems, two major stories here. One. Catherines prickly relationship to Quin, which is uncomfortable. And the other is Catherines awkward determination. Peter out of jail, which she does of course, but as in Harwins. Which of course signifies only one thing, or at least once. It may be that when a mystery is well written, with. Or could be it that Harwin is. The nabbing of the culprit also suffers from the same over planning. I submit to you that. Quite possibly I am overanalyzing this. Where. Harwin succeeds, and Skillings did not, is in making the two halves of. What she aims to do, she does well, and once. Im looking forward to the next one. April 2. 00. 5. CARLETON. CARPENTER Deadhead. Curtis, paperback original 1. Paperback reprint Black. Walnut, 1. 98. 5. If you were to do a search for Mr. Carpenter on the. Internet, youd find more in the movie and entertainment databases than. Therell be a list of them soon. Al Hubins Crime Fiction IV. Before concentrating on the books, though, perhaps. Carleton Carpenter was a both a composer and an. Broadway. musicals. One of the top musical hits of 1. Aba Daba. Honeymoon, sung by Debbie Reynolds and Carleton Carpenter from the. TWO WEEKS IN LOVE. His career in the movies and on TV is summed up neatly at imdb. I did find a reference on a New York Times website. I quote Carleton Carpenter was better known in the. Deadhead. was adapted into a short lived Broadway musical. Without deliberately trying to be negative, I. New York Times or not, but a. Broadway play based on a paperback original What do you think. I should point out. Deadhead being on Broadway seem to. NYT website. Additional confirmation is. Heres a list of Mr. Carpenters mystery. As previously mentioned all of these are paperback. Chester Long mysteries. Jasper Wild mystery. Games Murderers. Play. Curtis 0. 72. Black Walnut, 1. Cat Got Your. Tongue Curtis 0. Black Walnut, 1. 98. Only Her. Hairdresser Knew. Curtis 0. Black. Walnut, 1. Pinecastle. Curtis 0. Ivy Manchester Black Walnut, as Stumped, as by Carleton Carpenter. Deadhead. Curtis 0. Black Walnut, 1. 98. Sleight of. Hand. Popular Library 0. Black Walnut, as Sleight of Deadly Hand. The Peabody. Experience. Black Walnut, 1. Short story Second Banana. Alfred Hitchcocks Mystery Magazine. October 1. 97. 6. Information. Crime. Fiction IV is in boldface. Little is known about Black. Walnut Books, but they seem to have been in business only to print Mr. Carpenters books. Whether Jasper Wild appeared in any of the earlier. It would also be interesting to learn whether the AHMM short story has either Chester. Long or Jasper Wild as characters, leading or incidental. Someone. Pinecastle aka Stumped was marketed and sold by. Curtis as a gothic romance, but a quick scan through my copy indicates. Chester Long is a hairdresser straight. Jasper Wilds occupation unknown. Someone who has a copy of Sleight of Hand will have to let us. If by chance hes a magician as well as a detective, that. There is a quote on page 3. Deadhead, which was Chester Longs. Chester is telling. Ive forgotten. which wag said it first. That thing about how everybody has two. When Chester is offered a position on the side as. Broadway, he. jumps at it. For the rest of the book hes a fascinated observer. Even so, as Chester admits on page 8. In my heart I. knew I was nothing more than a voyeur who was being overpaid for the. The going is as light and breezy as this for over. The murder of the. Chester this follow up opportunity to show his flair as a. Not that theres any inkling of a previous criminous. Until I checked out the bibliography, I was working. Chesters first encounter with. With the entire company on the road and snowed in as. Boston, the effect is that of an isolated. And until the end, when things seem to fall apart. While. Carleton Carpenter is a story tellers story teller, he unaccountably. Chesters previously mentioned flair as a sleuth to fizzle out. On page 1. 89, after the killer has been nabbed, and the. Chester says This has been. I was just as surprised as anyone else. Whats worse is if that the scene thats described. I did not remember it, nor could I find it when I went back to. My feeling is that the book was edited, and badly, and a. There was one other sudden jump in locale on. To see if the later edition fixed up anything, I. Black Walnut reprint of the novel, but its purely a. The two. editions are exactly the same. In any case, all I can offer for a recommendation is. The book is worth reading for the. Grade A all the way but. The cast and choreography are. Good, but not up to par. It. April 2. 00. 5KATHARINE. HILL Case for Equity. Watch Canvas The Movie Full Version. E. P. Dutton, hardcover First Edition, 1. Digest paperback. Mystery Novel Classic 7. The Case of the Absent Corpse, 1. This is the second half of a two part series on. Katharine Hills complete works of mystery fiction. Dear Dead. Mother in Law Dutton, 1. Lorna Donahues first foray into. As of yet, no additional information has been discovered. The two books take place in consecutive summers, but. Katharine Hill had another summer and another mystery to be solved. Once. again the red headed suburban Connecticut widow, married four times. Chief of. Police Starkey, first by parking in an illegal spot in front of the. The owner of the house is an actor, one with a role. Case for Equity. But is the dead body, the one that. Lorna does not know, and so she goes to work. Sharkey whats what. From page 2. 0, as she finds the house empty the next. And what a glorious opportunity for an. Later on, from page 3. Surely no professional detective had ever. With. the corpse just briefly glimpsed once, and not available for. As even the most seasoned mystery reader knows. And to. Lornas credit, her efforts are. There are pieces. There. are also intricate time tables describing the whereabouts of all of the. In similar fashion to her previous mystery, Mrs. Donahue takes the missing mans widow under her wing, and simply. There is much. of interest to the inveterate mystery buff here, and a very clever plot. Part of the reason, though, may be because of the extremely narrow. Even the old fashioned kind of mysteries that. English country house mansions have. Case for Equity does. Its a. Connecticut. In Dear Dead. Mother in Law the town of Ridgemont seemed filled with. Not so now. It could almost be a ghost town. While this book has all of the right elements, in.