There are a number of websites that have short biographical essays about Ingers life that can be readily found on the internet Wikipedia, the Internet Movie Database, and Find A Grave are but a few. Visitors should keep in mind that while many of the key events of her life have been substantiated, Inger herself in later interviews would often exaggerate andor minimize other details and events, sometimes tongue in cheek, other times in the best interest of her public persona. Our abbreviated biography here serves only as a summary. Anecdotes and other details have been deliberately omitted in the interest of privacy and brevity. Some of the images shown here are courtesy of the Junker family and Bill Pattersons photo collection. She was born Inger Stensland on October 1. Stockholm, Sweden, the oldest of three children born to Per and Lisbet Stensland. When she was 6, her parents separated and she along with younger brother Ola went to live with an aunt and uncle Karin and Bengt Junker, while youngest brother Peter lived with Lisbet and her new husband, Harald Rubinstein. At the age of 1. 0, Inger and Ola came to the United States via a steamship that arrived in New Orleans, and then travelled to New York and finally onto Cape Cod where they met up with Per. Patprac_960.jpg' alt='Leap! The Movie High Quality ' title='Leap! The Movie High Quality ' />Per Gustav Stensland was a university professor and scholarship winner who had already moved to the United States. He had also remarried by this time, to Carol Buswell, of Fresno, California. The family ultimately settled in Manhattan, Kansas, where Per had a teaching position at Kansas State. Her teen years were turbulent, marked by strict supervision, constant disagreements with her stepmother, and family arguments. Buy Quantum Leap The Complete Series Bluray 18 Discs online and read movie reviews at Best Buy. Free shipping on thousands of items. RetroBits Generations Console A 70Game Leap Beyond the NES Mini. The latest entry in the classic clone miniconsole wars seems likely to put all the rest to shame. Search movie showtimes and purchase tickets in Ann Arbor, Michigan at GQT Quality 16 Movie Theater. Lucky. Its the humblest deep movie of recent years, a work in the same vein as American marginalia like Stranger Than Paradise and Trees Lounge, but. Pehredaar Piya Ki leap Makers auditioning actors for the role of grownup prince Makers of Pehredaar Piya Ki are looking for an actor to portray the role of 21year. At one point she ran away to Kansas City and found herself performing as a chorus girl in a burlesque show. Soon after, her father found her and brought her back home. In high school, she was active in several school activities and productions and found solace in singing and performing. At about the time she graduated from Manhattan High School in 1. Per, Carol, Ola who by now was using the name Carl, and half sister Lucy then moved to Lubbock, Texas since Per had been offered a teaching position at Texas Tech. Inger chose to stay behind on her own, finding work at the local Montgomery Ward, and later at Condes Music Store. Eventually in 1. 95. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Free Online on this page. Kansas City again, taking modelling classes and working fashion shows. From there, she went to New York in search for a cinema career. While in New York, Inger worked in the garment district and started studying drama with Lee Strasberg of the Actors Studio. She did a variety of odd jobs, including modelling, phone operator, and cashiering while finding time to go out on auditions. She also worked for a short time as a chorus girl at the Latin Quarter. She eventually began making her first appearances on television doing commercials, which eventually led to roles on Studio One, Goodyear TV Playhouse, Mr. Peepers, Kraft Televsion Theatre, Crunch and Des, The Crusader, Conflict, and The Millionaire, among others. A view of the Hotel Foresta after Per and Lisbet separated, Inger lived with her aunt Karin, whose home was near the hotel. In 1. 96. 4, Inger interviewed boxing champion Ingemar Johannson and held press conferences at the hotel during the filming of her TV special Inger Stevens in Sweden. Early pictures l to r Inger as a young teen the dimpled smile is easily seen Ingers half sister Lucy A photo from high school and a view of Manhattan High, Manhattan, Kansas. In 1. 95. 5 she married her agent, Anthony Soglio, who put her under contract and changed her professional last name to Stevens. Soglio managed to get Inger a number of her early television roles and her first film role. However, their marriage only lasted six months and they were divorced soon after. As part of the settlement, Soglio was entitled to a percentage of her earnings thru 1. She moved to Hollywood to film her first movie, Man on Fire 1. Bing Crosby. Aside from her making her film debut in the film, Inger made more Hollywood headlines when she and Crosby began dating however, the relationship ended when Crosby married actress Katherine Grant instead. In the same year, during the shooting of Cry Terror, she and other members of the crew including co star Rod Steiger suffered fume intoxication during scenes being filmed in a subway tunnel. Within a short period of time, she added additional film credits to her growing resume major, leading roles in MGMParamount films The Buccaneer, with Yul Brynner and Charlton Heston and The World, The Flesh, and The Devil with Harry Belafonte and Mel Ferrer. Early MGMParamount portraits an aspiring talent begins to get noticed. In 1. 95. 9 she moved back to New York, and on New Years Day, 1. She was found three days later, unconscious, with significant swellling in her legs, and remained blinded for two weeks, according to the news reports at the time. Nevertheless, her recovery from this incident was surprising only two months later she was back at work, guest starring on several television series. Though Inger never subsequently discussed the reasons for this suicide attempt in any great detail, she would always claim that she was a stronger, wiser person as a result that she characterized her actions as being among. Ive ever done. Her resilience and ability to bounce back would be tested again soon enough in 1. Lisbon, Portugal. On November 1. 8, 1. Isaac Ike Jones, an African American producerbusiness associate of famed singer Nat King Cole, in Tijuana, Mexico. At the time, Inger and Ike decided to keep their marriage a secret, due to the potential negative backlash and damage to Ingers career. In hindsight, given the social climate of the time with the growing discontent regarding civil rights and that interracial marriage was not common and even deemed illegal in some states, Inger and Ikes decision to keep their marriage hidden seems prudent and certainly understandable, from a business perspective. However, this decision would have far reaching consequences Inger Stevens, whose public image was the self sufficient, refreshingly frank and direct, up and coming single actress, had suddenly acquired a career threatening secret, a double life, one that she had to hide from the inquisitive general public. Only her family and closest friends knew of the marriage. It was only after The Farmers Daughter ended and into production of A Time for Killing in 1. Ike to join her on location on subsequent films. Ike often demurred, due to scheduling conflicts and being an acute bussinessman, he quite likely better understood the effects of negative press and public reaction. To paraphrase Ike in an interview he gave in 1. Ingers publicists were adept at steering interview questions away from her personal life, so the subject of Ingers marital status was never seriously explored by the tabloid press, a much less invasive group than todays paparazzi. Given these conditions, with Inger on location and Ike away on business, their work schedules were nearly impossible to coincide. It was inevitable that the time spent apart began to take a toll on their relationship. Inger and Ike would fight, separate for weeks at a time, then get back together. During the periods of separation, Inger would stay at one residence while Ike lived at a second residence. Separation and reconcilliation became a cyclic pattern in their lives. The volatility of the bond between Inger and Ike only contributed to the marriages fragility, and the temptation and likelihood of extramarital affairs certainly did not help. While separated, Inger became romantically linked to co star Dean Martin in 1. Five Card Stud and then to Burt Reynolds in early 1. According to Ike, in the spring of 1. Run, Simon, Run, Inger returned to Los Angeles and left him a note saying she needed time alone to sort out her feelings. Telstra trials 5. G mobile network, the next quantum leap in technology. Telstras first field trial of 5. G mobile technology reached speeds of 2. Tuesday, fast enough to download 6. Looking into the future when movie files could reach 1. The 5. G equipment, tested by Telstra, uses hundreds of small antenna. Photo BloombergThis is the first 5. G trial on Australian soil, and the outdoor nature of the test has provided a true sense of what 5. G will be able to offer customers once it is launched commercially, Telstras chief technology officer, Philip Jones, said. While the technology and handsets are unlikely to be available until at least 2. Telstra is already working on equipment standards and future spectrum needs with regulators and manufacturers. Quite a lot of new technology is coming in 5. G that is going to give us one of those quantum leaps in technology and capability, Telstras group managing director networks, Mike Wright, told Fairfax Media. The 5. G equipment uses hundreds of small antenna, which can each send direct beams more powerful than todays dispersed signals, he explained. Telstra tested the signals using generous amounts of very high frequency spectrum at 1. During the outdoor trial we saw total download speeds to two mobiles of greater than 2. Gbps, so theres no doubt 5. G is going to be a lot faster than todays mobile networks, but it will also deliver a much lower latency. The test bed used 8. G service, Mr Wright said. Theoretically, Tuesdays test shows gigabit speeds could be available on a mobile up to 1. Mr Wright said. Buffering while streaming videos will be a thing of the past with 5. G. Photo Rebecca Hallas. However, expanding 5. G to regional areas may depend on an upcoming regulatory decision after Telstras chief executive warned on Monday the telcos multi billion dollar mobile investment program may change if the competition watchdog proceeds with plans to let non Telstra customers roam on to its regional mobile network. Tuesdays 5. G test test used equipment from Swedish vendor Ericsson, Telstras mobile equipment partner. Ericssons chief technology officer in Asia Pacific, Dr Magnus Ewerbring said these early 5. G trials will help drive the global standards that will ultimately cover 5. G. Running trials with our 5. G radio prototype in different environments across the globe provides important feedback on trial conclusions to our research teams. In addition to the Telstra 5. G trials, Telstra engineers were embedded with our researchers in Sweden, providing direct input to our 5. G research and product development, he added. Meanwhile the UK Vodafone Group recently partnered with Nokia to test 5. G and develop standards, similar to Telstras relationship with Ericsson. Getting international agreement on standards and spectrum reduces equipment and handset costs and ensures the technology works in all countries.