Michelle Lovretta, who also created Lost Girl, said in a statement. Unfortunately, the creators of Dark Matter, another Syfy space show, wont be getting that luxury, as the network has declined to renew it. The show also recently finished airing its third season, and will not get the chance to finish a planned five season story arc for the crew of the Raza. Creator Joseph Mallozzi took to his blog to confirm the news shortly after, noting in a brief comment, To say Im incredibly disappointed would be an understatement. Cant blame him there. Its a turbulent day for fans of televised space opera. Long live Killjoys, and may Dark Matter not be forgotten. Entertainment Weekly, with additional info via The Verge. QS0tLq8yI/hqdefault.jpg' alt='The New Final Flight Of The Osiris Movie ' title='The New Final Flight Of The Osiris Movie ' />Short film plots Final Flight of the Osiris Final Flight of the Osiris was written by The Wachowskis and directed by Andy Jones, with CGanimation production and. SyFys story of interplanetary bounty hunters Dutch, Jon Jaqobis, and Davin Jaqobis is getting two more seasons to wrap up its story and gracefully exit the stage. Download Detective Conan: The Phantom Of Baker Street Movies there.