Firefly is an American space western drama television series created by writer and director Joss Whedon, under his Mutant Enemy Productions label. Forced Sex Scenes rape teen tube rape and forest rape videos and hd russian rape porn video. MEMBERS. JOIN NOW NEXT PAGEMEMBERS JOIN NOW NEXT PAGEThis site can ONLY be accessed by legal adults over 1. This site. MUST NOT be viewed by minors All models are 1. USC title. 1. 8, 2. By watching the movie itself I already noted the miniatures and the settings a lot more in this BluRay than on the SD DVD. Proof on the file with custodian of records. We do not condone. Consensual sex. This site is about ROLE PLAYING FANTASY only and performed. Customer Support Webmasters. Film Forno. Written by Joe D on October 8th, 2. Heres a British Film Show called Arena. David Lynch is the host and he discusses Surrealist Films and the influence they had on him. Bad quality tape but a great show. Posted in Directors No Responses Written by Joe D on September 2. I just happened to watch Killers From Space today on You. Tube. This is a movie I loved as a kid, a scene from it, where Peter Graves is menaced by a giant Gila Monster was in the Chiller Theater credit sequence It had a lot going for it, the desert, atomic bomb tests aliens with big bulging eyes, giant insects and lizards, stock footage of jets scrambling, A bombs blasting, military stuff up the wazoo, all things I was into as a 1. Warren Oates in an episode of The Outer Limits that looks influenced by Killers From Space Anyway I noticed some strange similarities to the latest season of Twin Peaks, which I think was groundbreaking Amazing Visionary I loved it. OK first of all the Atomic Bomb plays a big role in both, in Killers From Space the aliens use the bomb to mutate insects and reptiles to giant size to destroy humanity, in Twin Peaks the A bomb mutates a weird insect lizard thing that winds up down some poor girls throat. In KFS the aliens have strange uniforms, the belts of which bear a resemblance to the iconic zigzag pattern of the Black Lodgeand when the head alien is getting a report from one of his minions, the minion speaks in reverse I dont know if it was a subconcious influence or what. Did David Lynch see this gem as a kid with a Danl Boone coonskin cap on Could be Here it is on Youtube decide for yourself Posted in General No Responses Written by Joe D on September 1. Divx Movies Dvd Max & Co on this page. Here is one of the all time great newspaper movies. With Bogey, Ethel Barrymore and Kim Hunter. Written and Directed by Richard Brooks, based on the demise of The New York Sun, a paper that folded in 1. I think its very relevant these days with all the attacks on the press and newspapers shutting down. We need newspapers and reporters to keep letting us know about all the crimes and corruption that infects our cities and government. And now you can watch it on You. Tube. Posted in General, Directors, Actors No Responses Written by Joe D on September 1. Heres an interview with the amazing Peter Sellers. Star of Stanley Kubricks Dr. Strangelove, he played Dr. Strangelove and several other parts in that film. I know several people that worked on that film, Pablo Ferro, who did the incredible title sequence and Ray Lovejoy, he was the assistant editor on Strangelove. He was bumped up to editor on Kubricks next film, 2. Space Odyssey. He worked with Kubrick for many years. Posted in Actors No Responses Written by Joe D on September 3rd, 2. Check out this all girl Muslim Heavy Metal Band You cant stop cross cultural idea exchange. Posted in General No Responses Written by Joe D on August 3. This is amazing footage of a maestro at work on his first film in color. I have seen this footage in color, Ill try to find it again. The thing that gets me is when you watch the film, everything is so beautiful. The house, the lawn, the sangria, but when you watch this behind the scenes footage it all looks like its made of cardboard, ready to fall apart, it has none of the richness the camera gives it. This is the power of Cinema. Posted in Directors No Responses Written by Joe D on August 4th, 2. Posted in General 1 Response Written by Joe D on August 2nd, 2. July 3. 0 is Bavas birthday so to celebrate heres a link to a film. Posted in Directors No Responses Written by Joe D on April 1. How did the great Michelangelo Antonioni get started one might ask He was a painter and had written film criticism. After the war he got a chance to make some short documentaries. Already you can see his talent for capturing atmospheric images, the importance of the settings he places his characters in, see the artist finding his palette, his voice, his vision. Here for your viewing pleasure are two of his documentaries. Gente del Po, a film about the inhabitants of an area in Italy, centering on the Po river and N. U. about the street sweepers of Roma. Enjoy Posted in Directors No Responses Written by Joe D on February 1. Here is a Hi Def copy of Bavas amazing movie. He was able to accomplish so much with so little, the style and atmosphere are outstanding. Harken back to an innocent time when filmmaking was fun and there was an audience for cool movies like this. Bring back the Drive In Theater Posted in Directors No Responses Written by Joe D on February 3rd, 2. Heres a great interview with Mellville, Ventura and Meurisse as they made Le Deuxieme Souffle. I think Melville was difficult to work with, suing everyone including his own actors You can pick up on the subtext in the actors interviews. From what I hear Ventura and Melville would not even speak to each other on Army Of Shadows. But he was a great filmmaker. Posted in Directors, Actors 1 Response.