Apples Creepy New Emoji Are a Gateway Drug to Furrydom. You knew that there was something different about Apples big i. Phone event this year when the company introduced Animoji, cute, animated cartoon emoji that would move and speak based on the motion of your actual face. Oh, you thought to yourself. This is. new. Though Apple went on to describe the technology that actually makes the Animoji possible, the concept alone was enough to pique your interest. And the moment you saw it in action, you were sold. Unlike Snapchats familiar filters, Animoji entirely transform your face into the icon that youve selected. When your mouth opens, its mouth opens. The two of you share words, thoughts, and emotions. You arent just a person wearing a fox mask or makeup, you are the cartoon fox and the cartoon fox is you. It was funny watching Apple executives banter back and forth using their alien and fox Animoji. But as you sat at your desk watching the cartoon fox relay a message in Apple software chief Craig Federighis voice, another stray thought welled up inside of you What if. Tuesday October 3, 2017 by BannerBot. Monday October 2, 2017 by BannerBot. Sunday October 1, 2017 by BannerBot. Saturday September 30, 2017 by BannerBot. Watch Damadamm 2011 Online Free Full Hindi Movie Streaming. Damadamm 2011 full movie is available for download. Dont wait to download Damadamm full hd version free. You knew that there was something different about Apples big iPhone event this year when the company introduced Animoji, cute, animated cartoon emoji that would. Buy The Inhumans Movie. Freemoviez Watch Online Movies in HD Print Quality Free Download,Torrent,Full Movies Online Bollywood Movies Download Latest Hollywood Movies in DVD Print Quality Free. Download Streaming Divx Movies The Inhumans ' title='Download Streaming Divx Movies The Inhumans ' />The way Apple presented it, the Animoji were a harmless little way to joke around with friends. But you know what your friends are like. Theyre crass and rude and theres no chance that the Animoji would stay tame for very long. If youre being entirely honest, though, you know that thats not really the reason why you keep thinking about the Animoji. No, youre still thinking about that talking fox because for the first time in your life, you get it. You understand it. Download Streaming Divx Movies The Inhumans ' title='Download Streaming Divx Movies The Inhumans ' />Watch Petey Wheatstraw 1977 Online Free Full Movie Streaming. Petey Wheatstraw 1977 full movie is available for download. Dont wait to download Petey Wheatstraw. Hi, Im planning to buy the Onkyo 508 or 608. The main difference between the two being 1080 upscaling through HDMI. But any decent BluRay player also. You know what your fursona is and you have Apple to thank for it. Though youve never admitted it to anyone out loud, youve always known that there was part of you that felt the mildest attraction to furry culture. Youve always quietly admired the artwork and perhaps the errant piece of steamy erotica, but it wasnt until you saw that Apple presentation that something important slid into place. You arent just a person wearing a fox mask or makeup, you are the cartoon fox and the cartoon fox is you. Somewhere deep inside, you flirted with the idea of diving into the world of furrydom, but never got around to imagining a fursona for yourselfmuch less finding the audacity to commission an artist to draw one for you. But seeing that laughing fox changed something within you. It gave you hope. You saw yourself in the cartoon foxs expressive face and felt a primal sort of kinship with the character that took you by surprise. And then the possibilities began to wash over you. Who said you had to be a fox You could be a panda or a mouse or a pig. You could try on the entire barnyard until you found an augmented reality persona that felt like a true representation of who you are. This. Apples website. This is the beginning of a new era.