MS Paint Adventures 1. S ACT 6 1. 11. HomestuckA young lady stands in her bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 1. November, 2. 01. 1, is the date scheduled for the launch of a highly exclusive playtesting experience for a much anticipated game. The young lady is expecting to find this game in her mailbox today. She is expecting the game to be enclosed in a pair of envelopes, and printed on these envelopes, she is expecting to find her nameWhat do you suppose the name on the envelopes will be Enter name. You cannot enter her name It was already engraved in her HONORARY PLACRONYM on her 1. Attempting to engrave it with another name after completing this sacred rite of passage is practically unheard of, and is a gesture nearly as offensive as it would be if you tried to name her something dumb like Barnstench Fartface. Luckily she is not the sort to hold a grudge, and she will let it slide this time. As long as you hurry up and get her big day startedReplicants, superheros, and reboots await you in our Fall Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and documentary. Hey, welcome to the super cool lowtech search page To search for something, hit CtrlF or AppleF and type what youre looking for. Let your browser do all the. This article centers around Aria Montgomery, a TV show character. For another version check out Aria Montgomery Book Character. SWTOR Fallen Empire Companion Influences Guide on getting influences for returning and new companions. Updated for Patch 5. Examine room. Your name is JANE. As was previously mentioned, you are poised for an ELITE OPPORTUNITY to test the SBURB ALPHA. It is so elite in fact, you are the only of your kind invited to playtest Though you guess that probably comes with the territory of being the HEIRESS APPARENT TO A BAKED GOODS EMPIRE. You dont suppose it hurts that you are said empires NUMBER ONE FANGIRL, eitherDean Martin born Dino Paul Crocetti June 7, 1917 December 25, 1995 was an American singer, actor, comedian, and film producer. One of the most popular and. It should come as no surprise that you enjoy BAKING, but you also adore reading DETECTIVE STORIES. You fancy yourself a SKILLED PRANKSTRESS, if by no other measure than lineage. Though at times you feel its tough to fill those shoes when you are SURROUNDED BY JOKERS. Seriously, the shenanigans perpetrated by your pals make your old school japes feel KIND OF PEDESTRIAN SOMETIMES, but oh well, you love them all anyway. You once dabbled in AMATEUR BOTANY but found it TOO FRUSTRATING, because your VEGETABLES KEPT DISAP actually you know what, you DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. You love SITUATION COMEDIES, whilst holding particular affection for MUSTACHIOED FUNNYMEN. You know, your FOXWORTHIES, your FUNKES, your SWANSONS, but not necessarily your GALLAGHERS PER SE, because you have to draw the fucking line somewhere. You are also pleased to contemplate FRIGHTENING FAUNA, though saddened by their regrettable FAKENESS ATTRIBUTE. But none of thats on your mind now, because you are PSYCHED about this SPECIAL DATE, 1. X3. PRONG DAY WHATEVER THAT MEANS, a date exhibiting just the sort of numerical gimmick corporations love to exploit for their big releases, or for launching MAJOR REBRANDING INITIATIVES. In the case of your CHERISHED MULTIGLOBAL EMPIRE, both such events are slated to happen today. You cant wait to see what is in store, and for the mail to come. When it does, you will waste no time in embarking on the games MAIDEN VOYAGE, and if even a fraction of what youve heard turns out to be true, you are prepared to have the time of your LIFE What will you doJane Quickly retrieve arms from chest. Jane is not empowered to rehash this tired running gag because all of a sudden she is too busy being the other guy. We need to figure out what this fellas name is, pronto Enter name. Once again, you make the incalculable blunder of attempting to engrave an already allocated placronym. His name was etched when he turned 1. Its been sitting here messily in this UNBELIEVABLY DEADLY PILE OF GUNS ever since. What sort of vulgar, childish moniker were you going to stick this poor bastard with Barfbreath Turdsmirk It doesnt even matter. Just tell him what to doExamine room. Your name is JAKE. You love movies. ALL MOVIES. You would describe your taste in film as ECLECTIC, but in truth, it isnt much less than TOTALLY INDISCRIMINATE. You bluster frequently of exuberance for FIREARMS and FISTICUFFS and ADVENTURE, though have no human company with which to share these interests. But who needs chums, when you can enjoy a top notch gander of your GALS OF CERULEAN COMPLEXION, HUBBA HUBBA. Youre known to be found with your nose in a COMIC BOOK OR TWO, not that it makes you a nerd or anything, like you even CARE about that Not a gent of your PANACHE AND SWAGGER, qualities which you would BANDY WITH APLOMB on your globe spanning adventures, HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING. You would love to travel around the world, toppling any SACRED URNS you encountered. Youd be tickled by the opportunity to defile HALLOWED TOMBS everywhere, raiding them of their treasures. And how youd give your RIGHT LEG for a shot at desecrating THE SHIT out of some real life MYSTIC RUINS for their byzantine wares. Luckily for your limb, there is a dandy set of such ruins nearby, and you desecrate them quite frequentlyYou are also troubled to contemplate FRIGHTENING FAUNA, and plagued daily by their regrettable REALNESS ATTRIBUTE. What else You sure like to WRESTLE. Did you mention FISTICUFFS yet You know, SCRUMS AND WHATNOT. Also, SKULLS. Gosh you love SKULLS. There is a good SKULL at the heart of any mystery, haunting its EVERY PAGE. That is what you always say. Or at least, it is what you always HOPE. Download Nina Movies here. What will you do Jake Retrieve arms from floor, post hasteYou make a dutiful motion toward your TRUSTY FIREARMS, doing your part to assail the mushy carcass of a horse that passed away long ago, when suddenly a WILD CHARACTER SELECT SCREEN APPROACHES You really feel like you are in the drivers seat now. You can basically take this story LITERALLY ANYWHERE, as long as you dont pick one of those shadowy characters, and as long as the panels are actually finished being drawn. It is like this whole panoramic cornucopia of limitless possibility sprawling before your very eyes. Who do you want to beBe Jane. You are suddenly Jane again. What was it you were up to Oh right, this game. Youre excited about thatEarlier this morning you thought you heard the mail truck, even though the mail never comes in the morning. But just to be sure, you rushed downstairs to check, even though due to recent events, you are FORBIDDEN FROM LEAVING THE HOUSE. Alas, it was not there, and you sort of spaced out at the sky with a goofy grin on your face for no great reason, and then you were caught red handed by your guardian. Then you got in trouble. You think you might be grounded nowWhatever, DAD 1. Jane Examine fetch modus. Its your RECIPE MODUS, an extremely handy little inventory widget your DAD got for you for your birthday a couple years ago. He can be a real hard ass sometimes not really, but he sure knows how to spoil his little girl. Jane Captchalogue itYou stick the RECIPE MODUS in your. RECIPE MODUS You flip the card over and look at the back. The thing about this modus you think is really cool is that instead of showing a completely useless wobbly garbled code on the back, it itemizes the components which could be used to create it In a completely hypothetical framework, of course. Just another wonderful innovation by your favorite company. It releases many products of an experimental nature, often with applicability to other kinds of technology and products which havent hit the market yet. Of course, as the heiress, you are privy to all the sweetest gear in advance. Maybe youll rummage through some of that stuff later. The modus as a captchalogued object has only one simple recipe, involving an ARRAY MODUS snore and a COOK BOOK yesss Other objects have more varied and elaborate recipes though. Jane Get hat. You captchalogue your FAVORITE HAT, which is also your ONLY HAT. You spent basically your ENTIRE CHILDHOOD in this hat, pretending to be hard boiled detectives and whatnot. In public, you and your DAD made quite the pair. Everyone could tell by a glance that you were your fathers daughter, sired from his loins directly and genetically, through what was undoubtedly a natural process of human procreation involving a man and a woman. People would definitely nod and say, Yep, that little lady sure did emerge from a womb on account of that gentlemans awesome virility.