Tom and Jerry Wikipedia. Tom and Jerry is an American animated series of short films created in 1. William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between its two title characters, Tom and Jerry, and many recurring characters, based around slapstick comedy. In its original run, Hanna and Barbera produced 1. Tom and Jerry shorts for Metro Goldwyn Mayer from 1. During this time, they won seven Academy Awards for Animated Short Film, tying for first place with Walt Disneys Silly Symphonies with the most awards in the category. After the MGM cartoon studio closed in 1. MGM revived the series with Gene Deitch directing an additional 1. Tom and Jerry shorts for Rembrandt Films from 1. Tom and Jerry then became the highest grossing animated short film series of that time, overtaking Looney Tunes. Chuck Jones then produced another 3. Sib Tower 1. 2 Productions between 1. Three more shorts were produced, The Mansion Cat in 2. XaUAh9AEg/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Tom And Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Movie Dvd ' title='Tom And Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Movie Dvd ' />Tom and Jerry The Movie is a 1992 American animated musical buddy comedy film starring Tom and Jerry, produced and directed by Phil Roman, released by Miramax Films. The Karate Guard in 2. A Fundraising Adventure in 2. Various shorts have been released for home media since the 1. A number of spin offs have been made, including the television series The Tom and Jerry Show 1. The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show 1. Tom and Jerry Kids 1. Tom and Jerry Tales 2. The Tom and Jerry Show 2. The first feature length film based on the series, Tom and Jerry The Movie, was released in 1. The series features comic fights between an iconic set of adversaries, a house cat Tom and a mouse Jerry. The plots of each short usually center on Toms numerous attempts to capture Jerry and the mayhem and destruction that follows. Tom rarely succeeds in catching Jerry, mainly because of Jerrys cleverness, cunning abilities, and luck. However, there are also several instances within the cartoons where they display genuine friendship and concern for each others well being. At other times, the pair set aside their rivalry in order to pursue a common goal, such as when a baby escaped the watch of a negligent babysitter, causing Tom and Jerry to pursue the baby and keep it away from danger. The cartoons are known for some of the most violent cartoon gags ever devised in theatrical animation such as Tom using everything from axes, hammers, firearms, firecrackers, explosives, traps and poison to kill Jerry. On the other hand, Jerrys methods of retaliation are far more violent due to their frequent success, including slicing Tom in half, decapitating him, shutting his head or fingers in a window or a door, stuffing Toms tail in a waffle iron or a mangle, kicking him into a refrigerator, getting him electrocuted, pounding him with a mace, club or mallet, letting a tree or electric pole drive him into the ground, sticking matches into his feet and lighting them, tying him to a firework and setting it off, and so on. Because of this, Tom and Jerry has often been criticized as excessively violent. Despite the frequent violence, there is no blood or gore in any scene. Music plays a very important part in the shorts, emphasizing the action, filling in for traditional sound effects, and lending emotion to the scenes. Musical director Scott Bradley created complex scores that combined elements of jazz, classical, and pop music Bradley often reprised contemporary pop songs, as well as songs from MGM films, including The Wizard of Oz and Meet Me in St. Tom and Jerry Online is an Unofficial Fan site dedicated to the antics of the famous Cat and Mouse duo, Tom and Jerry Here you will find episode guides, pictures. I/91%2BGSuF3Z3L._SY445_.jpg' alt='Tom And Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Movie Dvd ' title='Tom And Jerry: A Nutcracker Tale Movie Dvd ' />Louis, which both starred Judy Garland in a leading role. Generally, there is little dialogue as Tom and Jerry almost never speak however, minor characters are not similarly limited, and the two lead characters are able to speak English on rare occasions and are thus not mute. For example, the character Mammy Two Shoes has lines in nearly every cartoon in which she appears. Most of the vocal effects used for Tom and Jerry are their high pitched laughs and gasping screams. ProductioneditBefore 1. Directed by Phil Roman. With Richard Kind, Dana Hill, Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay. Tom and Jerry must save a girl from her evil aunt. Tom este antieroul nfometat, motanul mecher i ursuz care nu are dect o dorin, s l mnnce pe Jerry. Tom ncearc toate mecheriile posibile. A description of tropes appearing in Tom and Jerry. Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse, the stars of a longrunning series of short theatrical cartoons produced. Tom and Jerry cartoons were produced in the standard Academy ratio and format in 1. Academy ratio negative composed for a flat widescreen 1. Cinema. Scope process. From 1. 95. 5 until the close of the MGM cartoon studio a year later, all Tom and Jerry cartoons were produced in Cinema. Scope, some even had their soundtracks recorded in Perspecta directional audio. All of the Hanna and Barbera cartoons were shot as successive color exposure negatives in Technicolor the 1. Metrocolor. The 1. Academy ratio and format, too. The 2. 00. 5 short The Karate Guard was also filmed in the standard Academy ratio and format. CharacterseditTom and JerryeditTom named Jasper in his debut appearance is a grey and white domestic shorthair cat. Tom is a generic name for a male cat. He is usually but not always, portrayed as living a comfortable, or even pampered life, while Jerry named Jinx in his debut appearance is a small, brown, house mouse who always lives in close proximity to Tom. Despite being very energetic, determined and much larger, Tom is no match for Jerrys wits. Jerry also possesses surprising strength for his size, approximately the equivalent of Toms, lifting items such as anvils with relative ease and withstanding considerable impacts. Although cats typically chase mice to consume them, it is quite rare for Tom to actually try to consume Jerry. Most of his attempts are just to torment or humiliate Jerry, sometimes in revenge, and sometimes to obtain a reward from a human for catching Jerry. By the final fade out of each cartoon, Jerry usually emerges triumphant, while Tom is shown as the loser. However, other results may be reached. On rare occasions, Tom triumphs, usually when Jerry becomes the aggressor or when he pushes Tom a little too far. In The Million Dollar Cat Jerry learns that Tom will lose his newly acquired wealth if he harms any animal, especially mice he then torments Tom a little too much until he retaliates. Strawberry Shortcake: The Sweet Dreams Movie Movie Dvd Quality on this page. In Timid Tabby Toms look alike cousin pushes Jerry over the edge. Occasionally and usually ironically, they both lose, usually when Jerrys final trap or attack on Tom backfires or Jerry overlooks something. In Chuck Jones Filet Meow, Jerry orders a shark from the pet store to scare Tom away from eating a goldfish, but finds himself entirely intimidated as well. Finally, they occasionally end up being friends, although within this set of stories, there is often a last minute event that ruins the truce. One story that has friendly ending is Snowbody Loves Me. Both characters display sadistic tendencies, in that they are equally likely to take pleasure in tormenting each other, although it is often in response to a triggering event. However, when one character appears to truly be in mortal danger from an unplanned situation or due to actions by a third party, the other will develop a conscience and save him. Occasionally, they bond over a mutual sentiment towards an unpleasant experience and their attacking each other is more play than serious attacks. Multiple shorts show the two getting along with minimal difficulty, and they are more than capable of working together when the situation calls for it, usually against a third party who manages to torture and humiliate them both. Sometimes this partnership is forgotten quickly when an unexpected event happens, or when one character feels that the other is no longer necessary. This is the case in Posse Cat, when they agree that Jerry will allow himself to be caught if Tom agrees to share his reward dinner, but Tom then reneges. Other times however, Tom does keep his promise to Jerry and the partnerships are not quickly dissolved after the problem is solved. Tom changes his love interest many times. The first love interest is Toots who appears in Puss n Toots, and calls him Tommy in The Mouse Comes to Dinner. He is also interested in a cat called Toots in The Zoot Cat although she has a different appearance to the original Toots. The most frequent love interest of Toms is Toodles Galore, who never has any dialogue in the cartoons.