Things You Never Knew About Final Fantasy VIIThis year marks the 3. RPG franchises, Final Fantasy. Sci Fi Thriller Movies Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ' title='Sci Fi Thriller Movies Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ' />Launched by Square on November 1. Final Fantasy has sold more than 1. If Final Fantasy wears the crown for best video game series, its crown jewel would be Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VII holds the title of RPG MVP among critics and fans. It is a landmark game that brought renewed popularity to the franchise. To this day, many game critics still praise its success and regard it as one of the greatest video games of all time. We have already covered some of the best villains, summons, and heartbreaking deaths of the Final Fantasy franchise as a whole. Watch Watch Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete English Subbed in HD on 9anime. Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete,. Nonton KDrama Hospital Ship Season 1 Subtitle Indonesia. A story of young doctors, who provide medical care to remote island residents via a hospital ship. Contains cast and crew details, movie format information, plot summary, trailers, goofs, quotes and a message board. In this article, we want to share with fans new and old all the facts you did not know about Cloud, Aerith, and the creators of the critically acclaimed RPG Final Fantasy VII. Just a warning, this article contains some spoilers for the game so if you have never played but still plan to, stop reading now Here are 1. Things You Never Knew About Final Fantasy VII. It Was Almost Set In New York With A Detective Lead Character. Planning for Final Fantasy VII began back in 1. Final Fantasy VI. Series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and his team brainstormed several storylines for the new installment. One such idea focused the story around a hot blooded detective by the name of Joe. Sakaguchis initial concept placed Hot Blooded Detective Joe in New York in the year 1. Sakaguchi also planned to have old sour puss Detective Joe pursue several suspects after a bombing takes place in the city. As development on the project continued, it was decided that New York was the wrong setting for this game, but they did save it for a future video game. The location moved from modern day New York to the technologically advanced city of Midgar. The plans for the bombing, however, remained in the events of the game. The protagonist was then changed to Cloud Strife. We wonder if poor Hot Blooded Detective Joe will ever get his own video game someday. It Inspired Xenogears, Parasite Eve, and Final Fantasy VIIIBut not all discarded ideas disappeared like Detective Joe. Many artists reuse their ideas for other projects. During the process of developing a video game, many storylines, concepts and ideas will be ultimately trashed. In the course of creating Final Fantasy VII, developers managed to create three video games with their unused ideas Xenogears, Parasite Eve and Final Fantasy VIII. Before we found our heroes revolting in Midgar, creators Tetsuya Takahashi and Kaori Tanaka almost placed them in the war torn nations of Aveh and Kislev. The original plot for Final Fantasy VII, deemed too dark, was preserved by Takahashi and developed under the codename Project Noah. It would later be released in 1. Xenogears and became another highly acclaimed RPG for Square Enix. The all but forgotten New York setting for Final Fantasy VII moved to the 1. Parasite Eve. The games protagonist became Aya Brea, an NYPD rookie. Sci Fi Thriller Movies Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ' title='Sci Fi Thriller Movies Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ' />Learn all the secrets behind Final Fantasy VII, one of the greatest RPG video games ever created. Watch children of the corn v fields of terror putlocker Online. Watch children of the corn v fields of terror putlocker online for free on yesmovies. L continued Life 1999 Life 2017 Life as We Know It 2010 Life as We Know It 2010 Life in a Day 2011 Life in a Metro 2007 Life of a King 2013. Greetings, my Westerosi window envelopes As you can probably guess, last weeks episode of Game of Thronesand its increasing dominance over the pop culture. Maybe a little bit of Detective Joe made it in there too The next video game to inherit elements from Final Fantasy VII was its sequel, Final Fantasy VIII. Early concepts of a sorceress character bounced around with the developers but did not align with the games themes and events. The character was shelved for a time, until she found her home in Final Fantasy VIII as antagonist Edea Kramer. Square definitely has a knack for creating great RPGs. Cloud Strife Was Almost A Brunette. Cloud Strife, the main character of Final Fantasy VII, serves as the mascot for the series. A talented swordsman, the image of Cloud with his massive Buster Sword strapped to his back has become iconic for fans. Another trademark element of his appearance is his spiky, blond hair. Though this too is considered iconic, he could have been famous for his slicked back black hair instead. As a means to simplify the design of the character, Cloud was originally designed with dark, slicked back hair. The sleek hairdo reduced the time needed to create the characters 3. D design, and also served as a visual contrast to Sephiroth, the main villain, and his longer, silver hair. Ultimately, video game artist Tetsuya Nomura kept the pineapple shaped blond hairstyle to prevent Cloud from appearing too masculine. They felt if he was too manly, fans would not be able to relate to the character, and he would become an unpopular hero. Thanks for keeping all that spiky pineapple greatness intact Star Wars References. Star Wars is everywhere Between the movies, TV shows, video games, and merchandising, you cannot travel far without coming face to face with this popular franchise. We have explored how its influence has been linked to many sci fi TV shows, movies, and video games. Download Streaming Divx Movies Treasure Planet. The Final Fantasy games also have recurring Star Wars references in most of its games. In Final Fantasy VII, two characters, in particular, connect to the Star Wars franchise Biggs and Wedge. These two members of AVALANCHE worked with Cloud and Barrett early on in the story. They helped to destroy one of the Shinra Mako reactors in Midgar. Sadly, they both lost their lives when Shinra destroyed the city. Their bravery and sacrifice paralleled their Star Wars counterparts Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles. The Star Wars character of Biggs was Lukes friend from his home planet of Tatooine. The two flew together to take down the Death Star. Sadly, Biggs did not make it out of the battle alive. Wedge, on the other hand, survived to the end of the original trilogy. He was another starfighter pilot who fought alongside Luke in the battles on Yavin, Hoth, and Endor. Other than Luke, he remained as the only other survivor of all three battles. May the Force be with them all. Religious Connections to Kabbalah. Final Fantasy VII wove an intriguing storyline that incorporated both mythical and religious elements. The Final Fantasy franchise frequently included religious themes beyond the basic battles of good and evil. Very similar to the way Aeriths death reflected a real life experience, elements of real religions have inspired the themes for the games. Final Fantasy VII, for example, contained in game religious references that relied heavily on Kabbalah, a Jewish school of thought. Several ideas of Kabbalah reflect in the names of the characters. Sephiroths name derives from the term Sephirot in Kabbalah. Sephirot is the ten attributes in which God reveals himself and are points in the Tree of Life. Tifas name is similar to Tiferet, an aspect of the Tree of Life that means beauty. Heaven and Final Heaven, the name of her bar and her limit break respectively, tie to the idea in Kabbalah that Tiferet connects to the highest realm of existence. References To Thors Mythology. Final Fantasy VII has a lot in common with the Marvel character Thor a strong, blond hero, the wielding of mystical weaponry, and ties to Norse mythology. With its roots in the Norse faith of the North Germanic people, this folklore includes many gods, beasts, and beings with extraordinary abilities. These Norse roots exist in the names of the cities and territories within Final Fantasy VII. Midgar, one of the most technologically advanced cities in the game, connects to the Norse name for Earth Midgard. Nibelheim is the name of one of the Nine Worlds in Norse folklore and serves as the homeland of Cloud and Tifa in the game. In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is a series of events that bring about the end of the world. In Final Fantasy VII, however, it is one of the most powerful in game swords. Kind of a great name for a sword, if you think about it. Aeriths Death Was Inspired By Real Life Grieving. One of the most shocking and traumatic moments of Final Fantasy VII was the death of Aerith. To have a central character die early on in the game took its toll on many players. Cloud and his companions were heartbroken by her death but found renewed motivation to pursue the evil Sephiroth. However, her death did not just serve as a way to move the story along.