Ararat. NAMIs failure to disclose the conclusions of a report by an American geological team. Intentional deception by Parasut in obtaining funds from the joint NAMI American expeditionteam and claim to the discovery of Noahs Ark in 2. Fraud with respect to Photos of 2. Ark Discoverya Photos Claimed by Parasut and Clara Wei to be of the Ark on Mt. Araratb Additional Photos Originally Stated by Parasut to Be the Ark Cave on Mt. We are The Thumbs best kept secret. We have a completely indoor family fun center with a carousel, barrels of fun, indoor swing, mechanical bull, bounce houses. Araratc Parasuts Later Photos of the Ark. Fraud with Respect to the Claim of Having Military Permit to Access their Site. Fraud with Respect to Announced 2. DiscoveryNAMIs Secret LocationsThe Making of a Movie Set. Testimony of NAMI Ark Site Construction Workers. Transcripts of the Interview with One of Parasuts Kurdish Workers. Ron Wyatt Archaeological Research Fraud Documentation If the reader is looking for quotes on wars visit quotes on war The following is an expose of W. A. R., Wyatt. Latest news at Ark Discovery Testimony from eyewitness who viewed a video from the Ark of the Covenant chamber, shot by Ron. The search for Noahs Ark continues to be much in the news. The evidence for the existence of Noahs Ark is impressive and growing as research continues, but it is. Has Anyone Discovered Noahs Ark ABR staff members Gordon Franz and Rick Lanser have spent considerable time and research with respec. An Alternative. I just wanted to let you know that I am loving the Gods Little Explorers curriculum. We will start week 4 on Monday. My 4 yr old and 6 yr old have both loved all. Composite Account of the Construction of the Sites Based on Interviews with Kurdish. Workers and Others with Private Knowledge of the Parasut Project. Don Pattons Investigation at NAMI Ark Sites 1 2. The Sample of Wood from Sites 1 2. Transporting Wood to Mt. Ararat. Timing is Everything. Why Didnt Parasut Face the Ark After His First Contact with NAMI6 Missing Artifacts from the ParasutNAMI Ark. Analysis of NAMI Photographic Evidence. NAMIs Largest Space in its Seven SpacesThe Analysis of NAMIs Photographic Evidence by Dr. David Liang. VI Conclusion. The Reviewer. My interest in the NAMI announcement and the charges that Drs. Price and Patton bring against it date over a similar period as the authors involvement. Unlike the authors of the Critique, my interest in this announcement did not begin with Ark Searching. It concerned archaeology and tracing ancient human migrations. I had observe in the archaeological record of the Ancient Near East what appears a considerable discontinuity in material culture and loss of population between the Early and Middle Bronze eras. This hiatus dates almost exactly to the time of the biblical Flood I suspected the beginnings of the new Middle Bronze culture had its beginnings in the spread of a suddenly appearing culture that is variously called Khirbet Kerak in Israel and Syria, Trans. Caucasian in Turkey and Armenia, or Kura Araxes in the Republic of Georgia. Figure 4. 0 in my book shows the migration path of this culture from the region around Mount Ararat in Eastern Turkey down into Syria and Israel. As one archaeologist writes Kura Araxes traditions emerge during a rapid burst of cultural evolution, the early stages of which remain undocumented or unrecognized. Peter Glumac in Chronologies in Old World Archaeology University of Chicago Press, 1. I wondered if those undocumented or unrecognized beginnings might have been Noahs ArkInterestingly, the oldest sites associated with this spread are found at sites immediately surrounding Mount Ararat. I did not however believe that the remains of Noahs Ark could have survived for more than 4. Watch My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Online. Ancient Near East. I did learn of reports of Noahs Ark still being on Mount Ararat and other sites but due to those reports lacking provenance and archaeological involvement, I decided not to so much as even mention them in the book that I was about to publish, The Archaeological Evidence of Noahs Flood. What caused me to change my mind were the NAMI announcements covered in this report, the first being mention of wood being found in caves on Mount Ararat and noticing the involvement of the archaeological authorities with these discoveries. I knew that if the Ark had rested on this unstable mountain, it might easily have gotten buried. That would not only help explain its preservation, but why the location has eluded so many Ark Searchers. I did not expect to become involved with this discovery, but NAMIs 2. Ironically, that happen as the result of the charge by the authors of this Critique that the NAMI announcement was fraudulent. Those charges caused me to make my own investigation of NAMIs discovery as well as the authors charges. My aim was to examine the possible authenticity of this discovery or whether the authors of this Critique that I review have serious evidence that the discovery was based on a recent fabrication. I was keenly interested in this Critique that questions the authenticity of this discovery. But should the discovery appear to be an ancient wooden structure, I hoped to compare whatever artifacts might be found there with those of the Kura Araxes culture that spreads from near this site. For that purpose, I sought greater scientific involvement in this discovery through the Mount Ararat Discovery Foundation that I helped found. My first report on this discovery and the charges against them appeared in the Epilogue of my book. Archaeological Evidence of Noahs Flood.