Fantasia 2000 Video Download ' title='Fantasia 2000 Video Download ' />Free Website Maker. Create awesome responsive websites. Easy and fast No coding Free for commercial use. Cast, orchestral, and composer credits, professional and amateur critiques, awards and nominations, summaries, key word search, related material, and message board. Mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites. Fantasia 2. 01. 7, Day 8 Dead Shack, Better Watch Out, A Day Festivals Awards. Brian Tallerico. Print Page. FR-Fantasia2000.jpg' alt='Fantasia 2000 Video Download ' title='Fantasia 2000 Video Download ' />Play hundreds of free online games including racing, action, dress up, escape, arcade, puzzle and brain games. Plus, all you favorite Disney and Star Wars characters My last three films from Fantasia Festival 2017, zombies, home invaders, and a scifi Groundhog Day riff. Tweet. Before major screenings at the Montreal based Fantasia Festival, people meow. Yes, I mean that literally. As the lights go down, people make sounds that remind you of cats. Theres an occasional quiet dog and I even heard a sheep once. I asked a number of people about the origin of this ritual and no one knew. I heard variations on, Theyve just been doing it forever. Im not sure most people even know why they do it. At first, I thought it was a bit silly, but I have to admit that I miss that silliness now that Im back, closing out my coverage of the festival with this dispatch. Its indicative of the atmosphere at FF, one that encourages a bit of unusual behavior. Go ahead and meow. No ones gonna stop you. Advertisement. Unusual behavior would be a polite way to describe what happens in Peter Ricqs fun Dead Shack, a movie described as The Goonies meets Night of the Living Dead. Sign me up. Ricqs film is gloriously simple, never overcomplicating its concept, which is basically teenagers vs. Two teenagers are going with their dad and his girlfriend on a family trip to a remote cabin, and they bring along the boy teenagers best friend, who happens to have a crush on the girl teenager. The cool dad and his always annoyed girlfriend get drunk quickly, leaving the trio to explore the area, where they stumble upon a house owned by a woman credited only as The Neighbour Lauren Holly. Things quickly go from interesting to terrifying when they watch her kill a couple of potential suitors and feed them to whatever she keeps in the basement. Dead Shack is smarter than your average zom com, and better cast. Im a sucker for Camping Trips Gone Wrong films, and this one is a bit more ambitious than most as well, playing with concepts of 2. Manliness the power five is a plot point and the female teenager ends up being arguably the toughest. The film kind of misses the landingit needed a stronger climax and a few more shocks before it wraps upbut its fun enough to find a genre crowd when it eventually lands in stateside theaters or on DVD. Another film I suspect will find loyal fans stateside is Chris Peckovers Better Watch Out, which makes its Canadian premiere next weekend at Fantasia but already played Fantastic Fest last year. Once called Safe Neighborhood, Peckovers film plays more from that titlethe idea that there are millions of suburbanites who believe their middle class neighborhoods to be perfectly safe. A cute young pre teen named Lucas, a nice house, parents played by Virginia Madsen and Patrick Warburtonwhat could possibly go wrong in a place like this Better Watch Out first appears to be Adventures in Babysitting meets The Strangers but it becomes something very different and much, much darker. Download Dvd Movie The Lego Movie. Advertisement. Lucas Levi Miller is in love with his babysitter, the lovely Ashley Olivia De. Jonge, and hes invited his friend Garrett Ed Oxenbould, who co starred with De. Jonge in The Visit over to help him finally woo the high school girl into his heart. Not long after Lukes parents leave, something appears to be wrong. The phone line is cut, the wifi doesnt work, and theres someone outside. What first looks like a traditional home invasion flick takes a sharp turn that you should try to keep as unspoiled as possible. I certainly didnt see it coming, and props to Peckover for surprising even a cynical film critic who has reviewed two dozen genre films in the last week. The cast here is strong and Peckover knows how to pace his film, but horror comedy this pitch black can be really tough to pull off and he doesnt quite find the tonal balance in the second half. I will say that its a movie I suspect people will like quite a bit when they get a chance to see it, I just wish I connected with it more on a visceral level than one of admiring the effort. I had a similar response to Cho Sun hos A Day, my final film for Fantasia 2. From a country whose film industry I clearly love, South Korea, comes the latest riff on Groundhog Day and who would have guessed this would have become a subgenre. World famous surgeon Jun young Kim Myung min is returning from an important business trip, planning to see his daughter Eun jung Jo Eun hyung when he gets off the plane. On his way from the airport to meet her, he passes a car accident. He stops to help, only then realizing that the body in the crosswalk is his daughters. And then he wakes up on the plane again. Over and over, he tries to stop the accident from happening, and then he realizes that hes not the only one reliving that day. So is the ambulance driver Min chul Byun Yo han, who also loses someone over and over again on this fateful day. Can they work together to stop whatever is happening to them and save their loved onesIts an undeniably clever idea to transport the structure of something like Groundhog Day to a thriller concept but A Day gets weighed down in melodrama as more and more of its secrets are revealed. Believe it or not, its too complicated, bringing in elements from the pasts and personal lives of both men, and even turning into something of a vengeance thriller. And Cho isnt skilled enough with character to make us care about the doctor, the driver, and the rest of these people as more than cogs in his high concept machine. Its far from a complete disaster, but A Day takes a great idea places it doesnt really need to go. Still, I love seeing these kind of ideas get a platform like Fantasia Festival. Ambition, diversity and high concepts like this one are why this event seems to matter more and more every year. I look forward to returning next year. And Im working on my cat sounds. Advertisement. Next Article HFPA Annual Grants Banquet Set for August 2nd. Previous Article Fantasia 2. Day 7 The Endless, The Laplaces Demon, LowlifeReveal Commentscomments powered by.