Settlement of the Americas Wikipedia. Available scientific evidence indicates that modern humans emerged from Africa over 1. Americas until less than 2. Current understanding of the settlement of the Americas derives from advances in four interrelated disciplines archaeology, Pleistocenegeology, physical anthropology, and DNA analysis. While there is general agreement that the Americas were first settled from Asia, the pattern of migration, its timing, and the places of origin in Asia of the peoples who migrated to the Americas remain unclear. Coastal areas deglaciated rapidly as coastal alpine glaciers, then lobes of Cordilleran ice, retreated. Download Divx Duel Masters Movie. The retreat was accelerated as sea levels rose and floated glacial termini. Estimates of a fully ice free coast range between 1. BP. Littoral marine organisms colonized shorelines as ocean water replaced glacial meltwater. Replacement of herbshrub tundra by coniferous forests was underway by 1. C years BP 1. 5k cal years BP north of Haida Gwaii. Eustatic sea level rise caused flooding, which accelerated as the rate grew more rapid. The inland Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets retreated more slowly than did the coastal glaciers. Opening of an ice free corridor did not occur until after 1.