This App Uses Artificial Intelligence To Manage Your Inbox. There was a day a few years ago where I received 1. Im super careful about using my email address on online forms and what not, but every single time I go to a conference or attend an industry event I somehow manage to get signed up for another dozen or so related lists thanks to someone passing out my deets. No matter how careful you are, if youre not diligent its easy for your inbox to spiral out of control. And when it gets too full, you end up missing the emails you want to see because theyve somehow gotten buried in a pile of emails you dont. Now theres a new app that wants to provide a robotic helping hand to make navigating through the chaos easier. Called Astro, the Android and i. Max & Co Full Movie. OS app has an AI assistant built in that reminds you to respond to emails from friends while also suggesting you unsubscribe from those promotional emails you never open. Ive been using it for a little over a month, and have been really impressed. On the surface its just like any other email app. Your messages are divided up into two inboxes, a Priority one full of messages it thinks you want to see, and an Other box with everything else. Boys Games 100 free, no payments, no time limits, no trials, no ads. Download Free Boys Games Now The New York City Fire Department, officially the Fire Department of the City of New York FDNY, is a department of the government of New York City that provides. The app also offers some other features like email tracking and snoozing. Thats great and all, but the magic really comes from the apps built in digital assistant. When you tap into that, the assistant makes smart suggestions of things you should do based on how it sees youre interacting with your inbox. Download Planes: Fire & Rescue Online' title='Download Planes: Fire & Rescue Online' />For instance, today Astro asked me if I wanted it to automatically archive messages from Grubhub because it looks like I havent been reading them or more like I didnt even realize I was subscribed to them, and suggested that I add my friend Allison to my VIP list because it looks like were interacting frequently. Yes, I could have done through my inbox and figured all that out myself. Jogos e simuladores de vo para android iphone ipad games and flight simulator for android iphone ipad boeing airbus truck simulator. Map by MGMT. design. T he attacks on the World Trade Center towers resulted in the largest concentrated emergencyservice response in American history. This web page is dedicated to our good friend, retired armored vehicle engineer Bill Criswell who passed away a few years ago. A courageous and wise voice of reason. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA MERIT BADGE SERIES Enhancing our youths competitive edge through merit badges. Directed by Klay Hall. With Carlos Alazraqui, Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett. A cropdusting plane with a fear of heights lives his dream of competing in a. But would I have Probably not. And those were questions I could answer while I was riding in a Lyft to meet a friend. This week, the app added Slack integration. So, if youre like me and have your face buried in a Slack channel all day long, the app can let you know when an important email comes in. They also took things a step further to make Astros search bar work with Slack, so if you cant remember whether you had a convo with a coworker in Slack or via email the answer is always the opposite of what you think it is you can search both at once. Astro also works with Alexa, so you can have her read through messages and even send quick replies hands free while youre still in bed or cooking breakfast in the morning. And its all free. You can give it a try here for Android and here for i. Planes film Wikipedia. Planes is a 2. 01. American 3. Dcomputer animatedsportscomedy film produced by Disney. Toon Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a spin off of Pixars Cars franchise and the first film in a planned Planes trilogy. Despite not being produced by Pixar, the film was co written and executive produced by Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios chief creative officer John Lasseter, who directed the first two Cars films. The film stars the voices of Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Priyanka Chopra, Brad Garrett, Teri Hatcher, Danny Mann, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Roger Craig Smith, John Cleese, Carlos Alazraqui, Val Kilmer, and Anthony Edwards. Like many of Disney. Toons films, it was initially set to be released as a direct to video film,1. August 9, 2. 01. 3 in the Disney Digital 3. D and Real. D 3. D formats. The film grossed 2. A sequel, titled Planes Fire Rescue, was theatrically released on July 1. Plot. Dusty Crophopper is a crop duster plane who works at a cornfield and practices aerobatic maneuvers in his spare time, dreaming of becoming a racer. His dreams are scorned by his boss, Leadbottom, and his forkliftmechanic friend, Dottie. However, he is supported by his fuel truck friend, Chug. Dusty and Chug train for qualifiers for the upcoming Wings Across the Globe race. On the night before the qualifiers, Dusty asks an elderly and reclusive navy war plane named Skipper Riley to teach him how to fly well, but Skipper refuses. Dusty enters the qualifiers, and although the audience mocks him for being a cropduster, he manages to wow them by his well practiced flight maneuvers but he barely makes it into the race. Later in the morning, Skipper visits Dusty and tries to talk him out of racing, but when Dusty explains he wants to prove hes more than just a crop duster, Skipper decides to mentor Dusty on his speed and agility. While in the midst of his training, Dusty admits that he has a fear of heights. Despite this, their training continues, and when it is complete, Dusty heads off to the meeting of the race at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. There he befriends an eccentric but loyal Mexican race plane named El Chupacabra, who eventually falls in love with a beautiful French Canadian racer named Rochelle, who shows no interest in him. Dusty then makes a rival of the arrogant and villainous 3 time winner plane Ripslinger, who rudely dismisses him as being only a crop duster. He also falls in love with a racer plane named Ishani, who becomes supportive of him. During the first leg of the race from New York to Iceland, Dustys refusal to fly high causes him to finish in last place. During the second leg of the race to Germany, Dusty shows good sportsmanship by saving another racer, Bulldog, from crashing when Bulldogs eyes get squirted with oil from one of his propellers, winning Bulldogs respect but finishing last again. The third leg is to an air base at Agra in India. The fourth leg is over mountains to Nepal. The fifth leg is over the Hump the mountains between northeast India and south China to Shanghai. In India, Ishani invites Dusty to fly around the Taj Mahal and advises him to fly low through the Himalayas by following some railroad tracks. However, after encountering a tunnel and barely being able to fly through it, Dusty realizes Ishani deliberately gave him bad advice to get a new propeller from Ripslinger, and he shuns her. As the race continues, Dusty manages to get into first place. In Shanghai, Dusty manages to help El Chupacabra win over Rochelle with a romantic song. In the sixth leg of the race across the Pacific Ocean, Ripslingers henchmen, Ned and Zed, under orders from Ripslinger, sabotage Dustys navigation antenna. Lost and low on fuel, Dusty miraculously comes across the USS Flysenhower a reference to the real life carrier which allows him to land and refuel. While on the carrier, Dusty sees a hall of fame set up for Skippers squadron but discovers that Skipper only flew one mission, which contradicts his previous reputation as a veteran of many battles. He is then forced to take off to try and beat an oncoming storm. Dusty gets distracted from flying by his thoughts about Skipper and ends up crashing into the ocean but is eventually rescued. He is flown to Mexico to his friends but he is severely damaged and may never fly again. Skipper confesses to Dusty that he did indeed fly only one mission in the Pacific theatre, where his entire squad of trainees was killed in an attack on the Japanese Navy. Skipper was the only survivor, but torn by his guilt, he never trained another plane or flew again. Demoralized and heartbroken, Dusty begins to consider dropping out of the race but is encouraged by his friends, Bulldog, Ishani, and many of his newfound fans to continue, and they all donate parts to have Dusty repaired. In the seventh leg, back to New York, with a change of heart and morale restored, Dusty becomes determined to continue in the race, but Ripslinger still wont give up and plots to put an end to Dustys competing in the race once and for all. He and his goons attack Dusty but are thwarted by Skipper, who has overcome his guilt and come to help Dusty. When trying to catch up with Ripslinger, Dusty conquers his fear of heights when his engine starts losing power, forcing him to ride the jetstream. Both he and Ripslinger make it to the finish line in New York and when it looks like Ripslinger will win, his ego gets the best of him, and he slows down to have his picture taken. Dusty manages to fly above him and win the race while Ripslinger crashes into some portable toilets. Dusty is congratulated by his friends and fans, and Skipper thanks him for giving him the confidence to fly again. Skipper rejoins the navy briefly in the company of Dusty and they take an honorary flight together, ending the story. Voice cast. Dane Cook as Dusty Crophopper. He was inspired by the Air Tractor AT 5. Cessna 1. 88 and the PZL Mielec M 1. Dromader. 1. 6Stacy Keach as Skipper Riley, a Chance Vought F4. U Corsair and Dustys mentor who appeared in the Cars Toons episode Air Mater1. Danny Mann as Sparky, a forklift who appeared in the Cars Toons episode Air Mater. Priyanka Chopra as Ishani, a Pan Asian champion from India,1. Aero. Cad Aero. Canard1. Brad Garrett as Chug, a fuel truck1. Teri Hatcher as Dottie, a forklift1. Cedric the Entertainer as Leadbottom, a biplane1. Boeing Stearman Model 7. Julia Louis Dreyfus as Rochelle, a racing plane1. Bay Super V, a conversion of the V tail Model 3. Beechcraft Bonanza. Originally from Quebec,1. In Australian and New Zealand, Rochelle is re contextualized as a former Tasmanian mail delivery plane, and is voiced by Jessica Marais2. In Italian, she is Azzurra, an Italian prototype plane voiced by Micaela Ramazzotti. Roger Craig Smith as Ripslinger, a custom built carbon fiber plane reminiscent of the Curtiss YP 3. Dustys rival. 1. Gabriel Iglesias as Ned and Zed, Ripslingers henchmen1. Zivko Edge 5. 40 and MX Aircraft MXS. John Cleese as Bulldog, a de Havilland DH. Comet2. 2Carlos Alazraqui as El Chupacabra, a Gee Bee Model R1. Val Kilmer as Bravo, a Boeing FA 1. E Super Hornet1. Anthony Edwards as Echo, a Boeing FA 1. E Super Hornet1. Colin Cowherd as Colin Cowling, a blimp. In the UK, the blimp character is named Lofty Crofty and is voiced by Sky Sports F1 commentator David Croft. Sinbad as Roper, a forklift1. Oliver Kalkofe as Franz aka Von Fliegenhosen, a German Aerocar2. Brent Musburger as Brent Mustangburger, a 1. Ford Mustang2. 2 who appeared in Cars 2. John Ratzenberger as Harland, a jet tug1. Barney Harwood as Sky Cam 1, a red helicopter filming the race over Germany. Production. Planes is based on a concept created by John Lasseter.